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Fertile Forest Model (The 5th Model for Storing Hierarchical Data in a RDB)

Hierarchical Data in a Relational Database

DB engineers around the world had been studying the four models for clearing the problem. These are:

  1. Adjacency List Model
  2. Path Enumeration Model
  3. Nested Set Model Neested Intervals Model
  4. Closure Table Model

Nested Set Model is most famous model about this topic. Now many framework use Nested Set Model, and many developers created libraries for the model.

The Fifth Model

Fertile Forest Model is the fifth model designed by new idea. The new model is better than conventional models.

  1. Cost of the amount of data for storing hierarchical data in a database.
  2. Search speed.
  3. Search variation of the relevant node.
  4. Degree of difficulty of repair when the tree structure is damaged.

I named the new model as "Fertile Forest Model", because it has richer capabilities than conventional models. Hereafter, I am going to describe it as FF model.

From next entry, I am going to show you details of FF Model.